music in a
whole new

Supercharge your Music

Immerse Yourself in Audio Experiences

Here are the features of Virtual Fitness Trainer

Welcome to the future of music exploration. The AR Spotify Music Feature combines the power of Augmented Reality with the vast library of Spotify to take you on captivating musical journeys like never before. Step into a world of audio immersion as you visualize the music and interact with your favorite artists and songs. Whether you're a music enthusiast or a casual listener, get ready to experience music in a whole new way.

Visualize the Music

Step into the beats and melodies as our experience brings songs to life with stunning visualizations and captivating audio experiences.

View Tailored Genres

Experience a handpicked selection of genres based on current popular music around the world. Discover new songs that align with your tastes.

Interact with your Listening History

Step back in time and relive your musical moments with the songs that have shaped your musical taste. Travel through the timeline of your musical taste and revisit songs you enjoyed in the past.

Connect with your Custom 3D Assistant

Redefine your viewing experience with genre-wise animated 3D models dancing to your favourite tunes. You can even switch between the model configurations, all according to your taste.

How to use ?

The steps below showcases how should be your journey while using this service

Login with your Spotify Account

Login with your Spotify Account

Click on the 'Sign In with Spotify' button and you'll be redirected to the Spotify authentication page. Enter your Spotify account credentials and click on the 'Login' button to connect your account.

Enter the AR Experience

Enter the AR Experience

Click on the 'Enter AR' button. At this point, you might be prompted to enable AR and camera permissions by your browser. After these are enabled, view the AR music experience by holding your camera upright in a lit environment.

Explore the Audio-Visual Journey

Explore the Audio-Visual Journey

Switch between the different genres, albums and songs available by tapping on the corresponding AR buttons. Also switch between the 3D assistant model configurations to your fancy.

Music Genres

Our platform offers a diverse range of music genres, from soothing tunes like Chill and Classical to energetic beats like Hip Hop and EDM. Whether you want to unwind and relax or get pumped up for a workout, our platform ensures precision and efficiency in delivering the perfect musical experience to suit your mood and preferences.



Chill music is perfect for relaxation and unwinding, creating a soothing ambiance to calm your mind and soul.



This music brings the soul of rural country to life with its heartfelt storytelling and melodic tunes.

Hip Hop

Hip Hop

Hip Hop is a dynamic genre that exudes creativity and rhythm, expressing emotions through powerful beats and lyrical flow.

Latin Pop

Latin Pop

Latin Pop music is full of infectious energy and passionate rhythms, capturing the vibrant spirit of Latin American culture.



Salsa music will get you moving with its lively beats, taking you on a rhythmic journey through Latin dance and music traditions.



Workout music is the perfect companion for your fitness sessions, boosting your energy and motivation to keep pushing through the challenges.