
Empower your Fitness

Fit smarter, not harder

Here are the features of Virtual Fitness Trainer

Elevate your fitness game with our Virtual Fitness Trainer! Get personalized workout plans and real-time feedback to stay motivated and engaged. Our cutting-edge AR and AI technology keeps you on track to achieve your goals. Join us now and transform your fitness journey today!

Get trained in Augmented Reality

Experience the 3D Demonstration of workouts and yoga in AR, creating a unique and immersive experience.

Efficient Body Tracking

We keep an eye on your performance using AI based efficient posture body tracking.

Real-time Performance Analysis

Receive instant analysis to optimize your performance and avoid injuries.

Exciting range of trainings

We provide a wide range of training exercises and yoga according to your fitness goals and preference.

How to use ?

The steps below showcases how should be your journey while using this service

Read and Experience 3D

Read and Experience 3D

First select the workout or yoga you want to perform. Read the instructions about how to perform it and observe the 3D animated model performing it in 3D viewer.

Demo >
Track your session

Track your session

Start your session and show your body in the camera till it starts tracking. Once its being tracked start performing the exercise and get reading onscreen and via voice.

Demo >
Get Immersed in AR

Get Immersed in AR

To know how to do it better in your environment, Enter AR mode on your mobile, place the 3D model in your environment and learn while observing it.

Demo >


Our platform offers a diverse range of workouts, from fundamental exercises like squats and push-ups. With AR and AI technology, our virtual trainer guides and tracks your progress, helping you to improve your performance and achieve your fitness goals with precision and efficiency.



Squats are a fundamental exercise that strengthens the legs and glutes, while improving mobility and balance. They promote overall fitness and athletic performance.



Lunges are an effective lower body exercise that targets the legs and glutes. They enhance your lower body muscle tone and overall functional fitness.



Plank is a core strengthening exercise that engages abs, back, and shoulders. They improve core stability, posture, and overall strength and balance.

Push Ups

Push Ups

Push ups are a bodyweight exercise that targets the chest, arms, and shoulders. They build upper body strength and increase muscular endurance.

Pull Ups

Pull Ups

Pull-ups are a challenging upper body exercise that targets back, arms, and shoulders. They build strength, grip, and upper body stability for overall development.

Bicep Curls

Bicep Curls

Bicep curls are a weightlifting exercise that target the biceps muscle. They increase mustle strength, and improve overall upper body aesthetics.

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches target the abs, obliques, and hip flexors, strengthening the core and improving stability. They are effective for toning the midsection.

Sit Ups

Sit Ups

Sit-ups engage the abs, obliques, and hip flexors, strengthening the core and improving stability. They are very effective for achieving a well-defined midsection.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks are cardio exercise that engages the entire body, boosting heart rate and burning calories. They promote coordination during workout.

Pike Walk

Pike Walk

Pike walk is a challenging plank variation that targets the core, abs, back, and shoulders. It improves stability, posture, and overall strength.



Burpees engage multiple muscle groups for a full-body workout, combining strength training. They improve strength, endurance, and overall fitness levels efficiently.


Our yoga program combines the power of AR and AI technology with a range of traditional yoga poses, providing a personalized and immersive experience. With our virtual yoga instructor, you can perfect your form, track your progress, and deepen your practice with real-time feedback.



Vrikshasana, helps you connect with nature and find balance. This yoga asana strengthens your legs, opens your hips, and enhances focus and endurance.



Utkatasana, is a powerful standing posture that strengthens the legs, hips, and back. It promotes stability, concentration, and improved posture.



Trikonasana, is a yoga posture that stretches and strengthens the legs, hips, and spine. It improves balance, digestion, and mental focus.

Virabhadrasana III

Virabhadrasana III

Virabhadrasana, is a yoga asana that strengthens the legs, opens the hips, and improves balance. It promotes focus, endurance, and a sense of empowerment.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana, is a yoga asana that strengthens the arms, legs, and back, while stretching the hamstrings and calves. It energizes the body and calms the mind.



Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose, stretches the spine, opens the chest, and strengthens the arms and shoulders. It improves flexibility and relieves stress.



Sarvangasana, is a yoga asana that improves circulation, balances hormones, and calms the mind. It stimulates the thyroid gland and helps in weight management.